Here I am, back again. :) Hetken aikaa ollut inspis jossain ihan muun asian parissa kuin tämän blogin, kuten esimerkiksi, ah, puheen, joka me joudutahan pitämähän äikäntunnilla. Noo, eipäs se mua kauheasti haittaa.
    Juostihin tänään 1500m juoksu, jota odotan aina niin innolla ;D inhoanhan mä kaiken maailman urheilua, laiska ihminen kun olen. Se meni niin kuin odottaa saattaa, mutta ei nyt niin huonosti kuin kuvittelin.
    Kauhiaa, tuli ihan sellainen fiilis, että mun tekis nyt mieli puhua tai kirjoittaa tai kuunnella englantia. Tuleeko teille koskaan sellaasia? Mulla on koko ajan sellaisia ihme mielialanvaihteluita ja mielihaluja :)
    Well, why don't I try to write something in English. It's harder than I thought. I have to think more the writing itself instead of content.
    Maybe I write my remaining blog in English. I'm not sure that will everybody understand me but I'll try to write quite simply cause I'm not that good at English.
    Oh, I don't know what to write anymore. I'm just writing bullshit here. Hey, me and my dad are going to go to Helsinki next Friday by plane. It's quite exciting cause I have never been in a plane. I don't know how my ears are going to react cause they are pretty sensitive. But I think that the best thing to do now it's not to panic or stress out. But I'm just wondering that if I have a flu does it effect to my ears and my feeling. Can somebody tell me that?
    Maybe I finish writing now cause I don't have anything to say anymore. I hope that you'd understand what I wrote. Hi!